Kyra Meister

Kyra Meister, 2019


Ashburn, VA


Communication and Rhetorical Studies/Policy Studies


Musical theatre, Gilmore Girls, brunch, Syracuse basketball, Costco samples, baking cookies, spending time with friends & family, baseball (Go Nats!!), cheesy Hallmark movies


First Year Players, Orientation Leader, OttoTHON, Skills Through Experience Program

Favorite Quote:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” –Maya Angelou

Thoughts on OrangeSeeds:

This organization is so unique in the fact that it’s one of a kind – at no other college or university will you find yourself an “OrangeSeeds.” It gives first-year students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the university and surrounding community so early on, something I think is crucial when it comes to attending a new school with so many possibilities and unknowns. OrangeSeeds has given me many skills, opportunities, and incredible friends. These friends become family, and inspire me to be better every day because of their love for giving back to the school we call home. You don’t fully realize just how much OrangeSeeds changes you until that first year concludes. The best feeling is when you finally look back and see what an incredible individual you have become, all thanks to this wonderful program.